
School: The First Week!

Well I have been back to the grind of school and tennis, and I have to say I miss being able to get out of bed at noon and go to bed at 1AM. Monday was my first day of school. I am loving my new school year and my friend aMt came to my school this year, she and I used to swim on the same swim team she is my best friend!!!

All I have worn to school this week has been Lilly dresses, Jack Rogers, J.Crew shorts, and Ralph Lauren button downs! I have had a crazy week between homework and starting tennis. I have had to get up a 5:45 every morning to take a shower and in the summer I normally get up at 9 or 9:30 and take a shower around noon.

This school year everyone will know what is mine. I have monogramed most things.

I have my phone charger, my planer, and my calculator all monogramed. 

I also have my laptop charger monogramed because a lot of people at FA have Mac's and it would get really confusing. And it matches the monogram on my laptop so! 

Even though we have a Honor Code at FA, all of us have the same things, like calculators, chargers, and I have seen three girls with the same planer. Plus I am on the Honor Council so I have to more or less be the poster child for "I will not lie, cheat, or steal." 

Everyone have a great Labor Day week end and I will do a post about what class I am taking, and the teachers, and all the stuff this weekend. I am going to my Grandparents house, or my Grandmothers house, I guess. I can't believe my Poppy Sam has really been gone for almost a year now. But anyways it is a 5 hour drive non stop and I know my Moma and I will have to have a bathroom break at some point, so it will be more like 5 1/2 or 6 hours by the time we get there. And I still have to pack.

This weekend I will also try to write some posts that I can just post really quickly next week. Thank you for reading! And have a great last weekend of summer!

Your Faithful Prepster,


Quotes! Part 2

So a week ago I started the My Favorite quotes series. So here I am to finish it up!

This is one of my favorite quotes. I admire Albert Einstein so much because he was not only a dyslexic, and a 2E. He was believed in himself went one one believed him and his ideas. I also love this quote because this is so true. 

I love Disney world and Walt Disney. If you have seen my resent posts, My family and I go to Disney World every year for a week. He was also a dyslexic just like me! He had a dream and he pursued it. And it has changed the course of entertainment history! 

So of course everyone knows who Gandhi is. I love this quote because, you do have to the change that you wish to see in the world!

Winston Churchill is one of my political leaders in history. He gave the people of England hope during a war that was terrible and destructive! 

I just think that this panda is ADORABLE!!!!!! I just put it here for fun! Thank you for reading!

Your Faithful Prepster,


A New Watch for School!

So I bought a watch. This watch was originally over $400 but I bought it for $80! I have always wanted a big gold watch, but this is the first that i have found that I really liked! I also bought it online so, I had to go to the jewelers to get four links taken out. Curse my small wrists! So the way I bought this watch so cheat was on My Habit. Its like Rue La La, but its better, and has better stuff! 

See you tomorrow, thank you for reading! 

Your Faithful Prepster, 


Back-to-School Binder Covers!!!

So last night, my Moma and I went back-to-school shopping! I bought binders, paper, pens, scissors, white out, you name, I probably bought it. I also had to buy a $100 calculator for Algebra II/Trig. and of course I bought it in Pink!

Today, what I did was make binder covers for all of my binders. But these are no ordinary binder covers, they are Lilly Pulitzer binder covers!

So what I did was go online and search "Lilly Pulitzer prints," after I saved them to my hard-drive I went to Microsoft Word and Inserted each picture in to the page, all of them on separate pages. Some were meant to be laptop wall paper so I had to rotate them 90 degrees. I made the picture fit the page, and inserted a square shape box and made it white. I then put the name of the class into the square. 

For the sides of the binder sides I cropped them to be .25 less of an inch then the actual size, so for a 2 inch binder I cropped it to be 1.75 inches. I did the same thing with the squares and just adjusted the font size. 

So here are the patterns that I used!

Ahoy There

A Little Leg

Lucky Charms

You Gotta Regatta

Let's Cha Cha 

I hope that this post has been helpful! So tomorrow I will do a post about my new watch! Thank you for reading and see you tomorrow! 

Your Faithful Prepster,


The Annual Cleaning of the Desks!!!

I know I said that I was going to do my part two of quotes, but I will so that Monday. So I thought since I will be going back to school on the 26th I would clean of my desk that is in my room. My parents bought me my desk about three or four years ago and I love it! When I cleaned my desk I took everything off of it and actually cleaned it, like with cleaner.

So this was while I was in the process of cleaning everything off my desk. 

This was when everything was off my desk and I say the entire desk for the first time since i got it. 

I cleaned my desk!!! With cleaning product!!! 

So this is all the stuff that came off my desk!! That was off of my desk. 

Voila! Look at that clean desk!! So I will break down the what is on my desk that is essential to doing my best work!!!

So this is the top right corner of my desk. I have a music box that my Moma's friend got me in Italy, my piggy back. My frog prince Lamp, next to that is my Turtle box full of sharpies, and some sticky-notes! 

From right to left. My Shoe Day of the Year Calendar thing (I love the shoes!), my pot of pens, my tape dispenser and my stapler. 

So in the top left quadrant of my desk we have my jewelry tree, and my jewelry box. Both I got for Christmas two years ago! 

So in the Middle we have, (from right to left) my remote for my iHome/alarm clock, my iPhone, my MacBook Pro, and my Lilly Agenda! 

We also have my drawer-o-stuff!!! We have some tape, extra staples, rubber-bands, scissors, post-it notes big and small, white out and USB's, and off course some Baby Lips!!

Thank you for reading and the Part two of my favorite quotes will be up Monday!

Your Faithful Prepster,


Quotes! Part 1

I love quotes. I think that a really good quote is not about what its talking about, it is about how it makes you feel and how you can relate to it. Here are some quotes that I love and that I can relate to, and some are just for fun!

So last year the head of my school (like the principal) had every teacher print out their favorite quote and hang it up in their class room. This quote was in my Geometry teacher, Mrs. G's room. I looked at this quote every single day last year, and by the end of the year this was quote was the most meaningful quote that i have every heard.

Coco Chanel has always been one of my idles. She never let a man define her, she was her own person, and was a visionary of fashion. She redefined fashion for women, and created the infamous, Little Black Dress (LBD)! I love this quote because this is so true! 

If anyone has read this blog since al least last month, you know how much I love Lilly Pulitzer! I also love pink, and this quote my Lilly is something that I know is true!

Tomorrow I will do part two! Thank you for reading! Tell me in the comments whats your favoite quotes are or is!

Your Faithful Prepster,


New Mac Software and It's Frustrating Download

So the reason I didn't post yesterday was because I was trying to download OS X Mountain Lion on my Mac. I bought my 15" MacBook Pro in late 2011, so it is almost two years old. I thought i twas about time I updated the Software, since I am starting off a new school year and all.

The software was $19.99 on the App Store, which is better then having to by another $1,000 + computer. I love my Mac and I highly recommend Apple Products, but the one thing is once you go Mac, you can't go back!!!

So I started the download at around 2:00 pm yesterday afternoon. I closed my computer, I didn't shut it down, I just closed it, because you can do that with Mac's. I opened my laptop this morning at around 9:45 or 10:00 and it just finished downloading and installing at 2:00. 

So this is to anyone who is looking or pondering downloading OS X Mountain Lion, get i, but you have to be patience while downloading it. To everyone else who is looking at buying a new laptop and don't want to get a mac because they are to expensive, my Moma got a new laptop two or three weeks ago, she got a Dell 15" Inspiron, it had Windows 8 and she loves it! 

I have only had this software for like an hour so I don't know everything about it yet, but I know Apple, so I know I will like it. 

I have no clue what kind of blog post I am going to do tomorrow, but I will do something!! Thank you for reading and have a great day! 

Your Faithful Prepster.


I'm Back!!!

I had a fabulous time at Disney World, I am already counting down the days until I can go back. Here are some pictures from my trip!!!! 

The Magic Kingdom! 

Beauty and the Beast is my favorite Disney movie, and Belle is my favorite Disney Princess! 

Me reliving the four years that I was Belle for Holloween! 

I think that I was the beauty in this picture!!! Hopefully I will one day find my Prince Charming! 

My Moma and I in front of the Beasts Castle!! 

My outfit one day, a Talbots shirt and J.Crew 4" Chico shorts, who says that you can't be stylish! 

Went incognito with a sombrero. 

I meet some Princesses!! 

Creeped on a kid who was in front of me in line and had a Guy Harvey shirt on. 

Saw the Golf Ball at Epcot!!! 

I had a lot of fun just riding rides and spending time with my family before I have to go back to school. So what fun things has everyone else been doing this summer? Share your fun summer trips in the comments!! Thank you for reading! 

Your Faithful Prepster, 


My Favorite Bloggers: Part 3

Well, we have come to the end of this three part segment, for the week at least. I will probably do this again when I find some new bloggers that I really like. But here is a blogger who I found just last week that I think is really cool and good and more people should read it! 


So PreppyOHgirl I actually found on Instagram and them started following and reading her blog. She is like me, she started blogging this summer and she in high school, and plays tennis. So I really like her and her posts. This summer she actually went to London and had the opportunity to watch matches live at Wimbledon!

Thank you so much for reading and i hope you will also like all of the bloggers who I read and enjoy! I am coming back Sunday, so look for my Disney world post on Monday or Tuesday!

Your Faithful Prepster,


New Lilly Dress = Love!

So Rue La La had a boutique last week that had some Lilly Pulitzer dresses in it, and i just happened to find this dress in my size.

Don't you love it!!! So Adorable and it has pockets!! So Lilly Pulizter doesn't sell this dress any more, but the dress is a Blossom Dress in Resort White, I found one on eBay so... but this is the best part. Sorry the dress is wrinkled, I just got it in the mail, but before I actually wear it out I will get it dry cleaned. 

Originally, $288.00 ... 

I got it on Rue La La for $49.90!!! 

Yes, how could I pass that up, a $238 savings!! Thank you so much for reading and I hope you go on to Rue La La and see how awesome it is!!! See you soon! 

Your Faithful Prepster, 


My Favorite Bloggers: Part 2

As promised on Monday, here is part 2 of My Favorite Bloggers! Hope you enjoy!

Bowties & Boatshoes

What can I say about Bowties & Boatshoes... Well, they maybe the only boy-run prep blog. They alway have great posts for boys that can sometimes be carried over to girls styles. This is the blog that gave me the idea to get my Daddy a bow tie for his birthday in March.

Classy Girls Wear Pearls

Classy Girls Wear Pearls is run by the girlfriend of Kiel James Patrick who makes the supper cute bow tie bracelets, Sarah Vickers. She always has supper cute posts and her Instagram posts are so fun! I also like the name!!!

So on Friday I will post part 3 of My Favorite Bloggers segments. Thank you for reading and see you tomorrow!!!

Your Faithful Prepster, 


New Shoes!!!

A while ago College Prep had a post about this shoe company called Loly in the Sky. I looked at what shoes they had and I found these supper cute loafers that have lobsters on the toe!! They are so cute!! 

Adali are $39.99

They have "L"s on the side of the heals too!!!! 

The shoes are may be cute, but the presentation was also cute!! Something that my Moma has always taught me that the how you present your self to people is the most important thing, because your outfit or clothes show a lot about you and your personality. The ways that these shoes were presented in such a creative and modern way I was supper impressed about how they were presented and of the box in general. 

Another thing that you can tell Loly in the Sky is proud of is that all of their shoes are made in Mexico. Personaly, if something can't be made here in America, have it be made in somewhere besides China. Some people would be out raged because the box dosen't say "Made in the U.S.A." but I think anything is better then "Made in China." 

Thank you for reading and see you tomorrow! 

Your Faithful Prepster, 