
Getting to Know You...

You all know a lot about me, but I don't know a lot about you, the reader. I would love for you all to comment about you self, you don't even have to leave a name, just something about you. For example, "I like pink." or "I like summer." I am not asking for you to divulge the name of your first kiss or anything, just something about you. It for me more than anything, so I don't feel like I am putting everything out there and no one is listening... So please!

Just look at that face! How can you turn him down?! 

Have a great day!

Your Faithful Prepster,


Classical vs. Modern

Hi everyone! I hope your day is going well. Something that is always apart of my day is classical music. Since I am a more or less Classical Pianist, and violinist, I play classical music almost everyday. I also listen to classical music a lot. The great concertos and symphonys of Bach and Beethoven have gotten me through quit a few study halls this year. Especially with my ADD it's hard for me to focus, but pop my head phones in and then BAMM an hour had gone buy and I have written an entire English paper.

Classical music has been scientifically studied that it helps you if you listen to classical music when you study. I know that it helps me block out out side noise. Sometimes, I have my earphones in and my volume is a little loud on my music when they get to a really loud point people around me can hear it. my friend, aMt can attest to me blaring my classical music. One time the band teacher was proctoring the study hall I was in and she asked me to turn my music down and then asked if those were violins playing. I had been listening to a piece that had a loud violin part.... It looked like I busted.

Whenever I listen to classical music, its like the whole worlds melts away and it only me and what I am working on in the world. I become completely oblivious about what is going on around me and it takes a lot to get me out of the world I am in when listening to classical music.

I totally recommend listening to classical music to people for when they are studying, there is just something about it that motivates you and helps you to not have a care in the world.

What are some of your study techniques that you do to help you focus? Here is a poll that I would love for you to fill out about what kind of music you like. Please! :) It's to help me get to know ya'll more!

Thank you for reading and have a great day!

Your Faithful Prepster,


Let's Talk: Fair Isle Sweaters

Hi everyone something that I have found my self really liking this year is the Fair Isle sweaters. I bought two of these kinds of sweaters when I went shopping at J.Crew a while back. I live in a place that isn't really cold enough for a supper heavy sweater in the winter, but I love these sweaters so much! I typically have to buy them from the guys section, but I am me. I buy boxers from the guys section to wear as sleeping shorts. I don't have any aversions to mens clothing. I sometimes wish that there were more women's sweaters that weren't just one color. 

They look just as good on guys as they do gals. So buy them for the whole family! But I am not one of those people who think that having matching sweaters for the Christmas card picture is a good idea... So please don't.

I have scoured the Web for Fair Isle sweaters and this is what I have found. 

Proof that these sweaters are not out of style: Kiel James Patricks Instagram. Thank you for reading and have a great day! 

Your Faithful Prepster,


Homecoming 2013

I had a really great time last weekend at homecoming! Some friends and I went out to dinner before and took picture. None of us had dates so we all had fun!

I got my dress from this vintage reproduction shop online called Blue Velvet Vintage. I got the petticoat to add so color.  The necklace was courtesy of my mother. Thank you for reading and have a great day!

Your Faithful Prepster,


Longchamp Le Pliage Bag!!!

My Moma was nice enought to buy me my very own Longchamp Le Plaige bag this weekend!!! Sorry about not posting this week, I have been busy between school and tennis.

I have been wanting a Le Pliage for a while now, I am always in need of a nice size bag to carry books or my laptop in when I don't need my whole back pack. 

This is how big it is in comparison to a human. 

It also folds up into a nice little package for storage or travel!

Thank you for reading and have a great day!!!

Your Faithful Prepster,


Spirit Week!

This past week was Spirit Week at FA. Having been at FA since I was 4, I bleed Blue and Green. Spirit week always leads up to Homecoming. Since we aren't big enough to have a football team our Homecoming games are field hockey, soccer, and tennis. Last year when I was in 8th grade I was on the Varsity Tennis team, but I didn't get to play in the Homecoming game. The week before Homecoming I severely sprained my ankle and I was in a waking boot for the entire Spirit Week. But this year I was uninjured and was able to play.

Last year... :(

During the week of Spirit Week we have themed days. If you dress in the days themes, your grade gets spirit coins that are them redeemed for points. Monday was Comfy/ PJ Day, Tuesday was Pirates vs. Ninja Day, Thursday was Party in the USA Day (our Homecoming theme is Party in the USA), and Friday was Blue/Green Day. Each person is assigned to either the Blue team or the Green team. I am on the Green team. I love Spirit Week!

aMt and I on Pirate vs. Ninja Day

On Friday was also have the Spirit Parade! The Freshmens theme was Twilight. We sort of failed. the Sophomores had Harry Potter, the Juniors had the best one with Indiana Jones, and the Seniors had Star Wars. But during the parade I fell and hurt myself. 

The boy in the left is lPa who was Jacob, and the one on the left is pAb who was Edward. lPa actually has the abs, they just enhanced it with some marker. 

My booboos. :( 
So tonight is the homecoming dance. I am going with a group of friends. look for a post tomorrow or Monday about the dance. Thank you for reading and have a great weekend!

Your Faithful Prepster,


Twin Tides USA

So I found this really cute online business called Twin Tides USA this summer. I bought some of there stuff, just some stickers, and a koozie, but I loved there products so much I thought I would share it with y'all. I also love to support small businesses to I thought why not advertise for them.

I have only showed y'all a few of the products that Twin Tides USA sells. You can see the rest of the products that they sell here. Thank you for reading. Have a great day!!

Your Faithful Prepster,

My Journey. . . To the J.Crew Factory Store!

So this weekend my Daddy took me to the J.Crew Factory Store. It was like a dream, all J.Crew cloths, and shoes. Oh, the shoes!! All most all of the shirts that I got were $30. This was the best fall shopping trip that I have ever taken. I also want to thank my dad, for just sitting there in the shoes and waiting for me to shop. Since my father is my resident fashion guru, I had to have his opinion of what I should buy.   

I got 6 sweaters, 1 silky shirt, 1 tee shirt and a pair of corduroy pants all for $185!! There was also a 25% discount this weekend. So here is the haul!! 

Online: $118.00 
At J.Crew Factory Store: $30.00 

Online: $128.00 
At J.Crew Factory Store: $30.00 

Online: $110.00 
At J.Crew Factory Store: $35.00 

Online: $89.50 
At J.Crew Factory Store: $30.00 

Online: $79.50 
At J.Crew Factory Store: $30.00 

Online: $188.00 
At J.Crew Factory Store: $30.00 

Online: $128.00 
At J.Crew Factory Store: $30.00 

Online: $45.00 
At J.Crew Factory Store: $10.00 

 I also got a yellow tank for only $10, but the lighting was bad and even with Photoshop I should get it to look right. Thank you for reading and you can find more about your locate J.Crew Factory Store at J.Crew.Com.

Your Faithful Prepster,


This Weekend . . .

I had a long long weekend. I was shopping, and having a great time reading. I finished a whole 300 page book this weekend. My Daddy took me to the J.Crew Factory Store and I had a ball, but I will tell you more about that odyssey in tomorrows post, but today I want to tell y'all about one my weekend and why it was a long, long weekend.

This weekend my school had what they call their Fall Break. This mean we have Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and Monday off from school. The teachers didn't have Friday off because they have to work on interims and write comments. On Friday, I woke up at 11:50 and had breakfast or lunch, I don't know what you would call it at 12 pm. The one productive thing I did before 4:00 was taking a shower. When my mom came home from work, she took me out to eat and took me to our Barnes & Nobles store in town.

At Barnes & Nobles I bought two books: Prep: A Novel by Curtis Sittenfeld, which I told you all about in my Must Add Preppy Books to Your Fall Reading List: Part 2, and another book that I had never heard of and picked up after reading the back, Prep School Confidential by Kara Taylor.  I started reading Prep School Confidential on Friday night, read a hundred pages, read another hundred on Saturday, and finished the book on Sunday. I didn't even have the book a full 48 hours and I finished it... I think I am going to do a review on Prep School Confidential either tonight or tomorrow night. So be on the look out.

On Saturday my Moma had to go to a meeting that was 3 hours away, but was near a J.Crew Factory Store. So my father being the best Daddy in the world offered to drive my Moma and I down and take me to J.Crew. My father has the patients of a saint!!

Sunday, I got a hair cut and saw the new movie with Sandra Bullock and George Clooney, Gravity. Now that was a movie that I was not ready for. I sat and clawed at my Daddy arm the whole movie and asked him what happened every five minutes. You really must love me Daddy.

Monday, I went to a wreath laying in honor of Christopher Columbus. That was fun. Again my Moma, Daddy and I went up for the day and had a great family bonding time.

All in all I had a very restful and enjoyable long weekend. Thank you all for reading and be watching for that review of Prep School Confidential! Have a great day!

Your Faithful Prepster,


It's Raining, It's Pouring...

To it rained all day long. Form the time I woke up to now, I have not seen the sun. I miss the sun...

So I am in the many states that have been affected by this should-a, could-a, would-a Tropical Storm Karen.

I have come up with a few things during my dreary days inside.

For rain coats, I prefer Columbia.  Also anything monogramed! ;)

For the umbrella's, I have found some good ones.

I hope you enjoyed my top picks for a rainy days! Thank you for reading!

Your Faithful Prepster,


Hinduism Creation Story

In my World History class we are learning about Hinduism. So far in History we have learned about Islam, Christianity, Judaism, and now Hinduism. A quarter of the world follows the Christian faith, including myself, 1% follow Judaism, and another quarter of the worlds people follow the Islamic faith. About 15% of the worlds people describe themselves as Hindu. One of the things that we learned about today was the Hindu creation story.

In Hinduism, they believe that there are many Gods, this is called polytheism. Polytheism is different then monotheism the belief in one God (Christianity, Islam, and Judaism). Hinduism has no one founder like Christianity (Jesus) or Islam (Muhammad). Hinduism is unique because it is one of the worlds oldest religions and it had been developing and changing for thousand and thousands of years, It is still developing even today.

Something that Hindus believe is that everyone will be reincarnated. So a hindu would believe that your soul never dyes, once you leave your current humanly form on earth you will be reincarnated and you soul with come back as something else. Hindus believe that these is something called Braham in everything, or a pice of a never dying soul. The Brhama and earth creation story is fascinating to me and it also makes so much since to me.

This is from my History teacher and her notes she gave us. So thank you Mrs. B!! This is from something called the Vedas. The Vedas is a book of Hymns, prayers, and poems that were written my hindu teachers thousand and thousand of years ago. You also have to remember everything is metaphorical.

From Rig Veda

1: Purusha, (man) has a thousand heads, a thousand eyes, and a thousand feet. He filled the earth and extended beyond it by ten finger lengths. 

2: Purusha was all of this: whatever has been, whatever is yet to be. He is the ruler of all immortality; all living creatures are a quarter of him; while three quarters of him is immortal and in heaven.  

3: With three quarters of Him Purshua rose upwards, while a wuarter of him remained here. From the wuarter remaining here he spread out in all directions into that shish eats and that which does not eat. 

4: From him Viraj (woman) was born, from Viraj came man. 

5: When the Gods spread out the sacrifice with Purusha as the offering, spring was the clarified butter, summer the fuel, and autumn the oblation. 

5a: They sprinkled Purusha - and the sacrifice was born at the very beginning, upon the sacred grass. With him the Gods and the sages sacrifices. 

6: From the sacrifice in which everything was offered the melted fat collected and he made it into those beasts who live in the air, in the forest, and in the villages.

7: From the sacrifice the verses and chants were born, the rhythmical metres were born.

8: Horses were born from it, and those animals that have two rows of teeth; cows were born from it and also the goats and sheep. 

9: When they dismembered Purusha how many parts did they divide him into? What do they call his mouth, his two arms, his thighs and his feet?

10: His mouth became the Brhman (priests); his arms became Kshatriyas (warriors and kings); his thighs became Vaishya (the workers, traders, and farmers); and from his feet Shudras (servile class), were born. 

11: Moon was bron from his mind; from his eye came the sun, and from his breath the Wind was born. 

12: From his head the sky evolved, from his navel the middle space, from his two feet the earth, and the sky from his ears. Thus the Gods set the world in order. 

13: With the sacrifice the Gods sacrificed to the sacrifice. 

Personaly I think that lines/verser, 9-13 are really beautiful in there metiphorical symbolism. Just think about it. Moon was born from his head; his eyes came the cu, and from his breath teh Wind was born. To me this creation story is the most, how do I say it, everything about it makes sence to me. I can understand why people sould think that this Being/Thing Purusha became everything and created everything. It also tell people why everything is here on earth and were it came form. 

If you want to learn more about Hinduism, you can go to Hinduism Wikipedia. Another really cool creation/soulmate story came be found at Plato Soulmate Wikipedia. I think that the Plato Soulmate creation story is really sweet and in someways a romantic nothion that you are walking the earth in search of your soulmate and when you find your other half, you have this connection, like you have known earth other for years. 

Well thank you for reading and please comment about weather y'all want me to do another post about just why I like the Plato Soulmate creation story. Have a great day! 

Your Faithful Prepster,


Tory Burch Reva's

So I wore my Tory Burch Reva's today, so I thought why not write a post about them.

These are the pair of Reva's that I have. I love them so much. I have had them for three years and I have gotten so much use out of them. 

My Moma has these pairs so I steal them some time. I love these too!!! 

Come on I had to add a pink pair!! :) 

These aren't Reva's but I just love them so much. Thank you for reading and have a great day! 

Your Faithful Prepster,


My Fall Playlist

So I have been in school for a total of five weeks now and I have been on my Spotify way to much. I have finally came up with a great playlist for the fall!! So I have a lot of things mixed together -Country, Indie, Pop, Rap. I hope you all enjoy it!!! Thank you for reading! 

Your Faithful Prepster, 


Fall Nail Polish

I Love fall nail polish! I always think that people look at the details of an outfit, like the nails. Here are so nail polish colors from Essie. Hope you enjoy!

Hope everyone loves these colors, and I hope everyone has a great day!

Your Faithful Prepster, 