I thought that since my AP World History exam is done, (finally! I studied for a month for that thing!) I would write a blog post about a milestone. Yesterday, was my 16th birthday, and i had my first driving lesson for Behind the Wheel! But alas, I can not drive by myself or get my listens until August. Because it was the celebration of my 16th year, I had a party. Nothing big, but my parents and my grandmother. I have not really seen the point in having big birthday parties until I and like 18 or 21. Since I live in Virginia, and you can't get your learners permit until you are 15 and 6 months, and you have to hold your permit fro 9 months before you can get your license, if you get a car for your 16th birthday, you will most defiantly not be able to drive it with out a parent or adult in the car for another 3+ months. Per normal birthday tradition, I did get gifts and cards. One of the cards my Moma wrote me made me cry, happy tears, but still. Here were some highlights:

The fact that it is pink, thus making it match and/or compliment everything in my wardrobe, make it's that much better! I wanted a FitBit, not only because I could use it as an odometer and see how fare i walk in a day at school, but also because it can take so much more. It is not only a heath/diet thing (which I will not be using to diet with), but it is also a healthy lifestyle tracker gizmo. I can log how much water I have drank, how many calories I have eaten, how far I have walked, AND how well and how long I sleep.
I think that it is a must for a just fashion blogger that her parents buy her clothes for her 16th birthday right? Well, Me being the savvy shopper and sale seeker that I am, helped my parents save a few bucks by telling them sales and special offers at J.Crew.com... Aren't I the best! ;)
Monogramed Necklace and Earrings
Another must for a prepster, don't you think? My other monogramed necklace that I got for my 14th birthday was getting really dingy so I stopped wearing it 6 months ago. I am so happy that my parents (aka the best parents EVER) bought me a new monogramed necklace! I was beginning to be scarcely non monogramed each day.
Clifford the Big Red Jeep
I will do a post about my parents, now my, car.
Yesterday was also another big day, it was something called Perch, its like a retreat sort of thing that everyone in the High School and the eighth graders at FA gets to to. We all pile into buses and are taken to a retreat type of place to swim and get sunburnt, I did only the latter... My legs were killing me yesterday afternoon, but thank God that I am Mediterranean because when I woke up this morning half of the sunburn on my legs have already turn into a tan.
What is your favorite birthday gift that you have ever gotten? What was you worst sunburn? Thank you for reading and have a preptastic day!
Your Faithful Prepster,