
Classical vs. Modern

Hi everyone! I hope your day is going well. Something that is always apart of my day is classical music. Since I am a more or less Classical Pianist, and violinist, I play classical music almost everyday. I also listen to classical music a lot. The great concertos and symphonys of Bach and Beethoven have gotten me through quit a few study halls this year. Especially with my ADD it's hard for me to focus, but pop my head phones in and then BAMM an hour had gone buy and I have written an entire English paper.

Classical music has been scientifically studied that it helps you if you listen to classical music when you study. I know that it helps me block out out side noise. Sometimes, I have my earphones in and my volume is a little loud on my music when they get to a really loud point people around me can hear it. my friend, aMt can attest to me blaring my classical music. One time the band teacher was proctoring the study hall I was in and she asked me to turn my music down and then asked if those were violins playing. I had been listening to a piece that had a loud violin part.... It looked like I busted.

Whenever I listen to classical music, its like the whole worlds melts away and it only me and what I am working on in the world. I become completely oblivious about what is going on around me and it takes a lot to get me out of the world I am in when listening to classical music.

I totally recommend listening to classical music to people for when they are studying, there is just something about it that motivates you and helps you to not have a care in the world.

What are some of your study techniques that you do to help you focus? Here is a poll that I would love for you to fill out about what kind of music you like. Please! :) It's to help me get to know ya'll more!

Thank you for reading and have a great day!

Your Faithful Prepster,

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