
Hinduism Creation Story

In my World History class we are learning about Hinduism. So far in History we have learned about Islam, Christianity, Judaism, and now Hinduism. A quarter of the world follows the Christian faith, including myself, 1% follow Judaism, and another quarter of the worlds people follow the Islamic faith. About 15% of the worlds people describe themselves as Hindu. One of the things that we learned about today was the Hindu creation story.

In Hinduism, they believe that there are many Gods, this is called polytheism. Polytheism is different then monotheism the belief in one God (Christianity, Islam, and Judaism). Hinduism has no one founder like Christianity (Jesus) or Islam (Muhammad). Hinduism is unique because it is one of the worlds oldest religions and it had been developing and changing for thousand and thousands of years, It is still developing even today.

Something that Hindus believe is that everyone will be reincarnated. So a hindu would believe that your soul never dyes, once you leave your current humanly form on earth you will be reincarnated and you soul with come back as something else. Hindus believe that these is something called Braham in everything, or a pice of a never dying soul. The Brhama and earth creation story is fascinating to me and it also makes so much since to me.

This is from my History teacher and her notes she gave us. So thank you Mrs. B!! This is from something called the Vedas. The Vedas is a book of Hymns, prayers, and poems that were written my hindu teachers thousand and thousand of years ago. You also have to remember everything is metaphorical.

From Rig Veda

1: Purusha, (man) has a thousand heads, a thousand eyes, and a thousand feet. He filled the earth and extended beyond it by ten finger lengths. 

2: Purusha was all of this: whatever has been, whatever is yet to be. He is the ruler of all immortality; all living creatures are a quarter of him; while three quarters of him is immortal and in heaven.  

3: With three quarters of Him Purshua rose upwards, while a wuarter of him remained here. From the wuarter remaining here he spread out in all directions into that shish eats and that which does not eat. 

4: From him Viraj (woman) was born, from Viraj came man. 

5: When the Gods spread out the sacrifice with Purusha as the offering, spring was the clarified butter, summer the fuel, and autumn the oblation. 

5a: They sprinkled Purusha - and the sacrifice was born at the very beginning, upon the sacred grass. With him the Gods and the sages sacrifices. 

6: From the sacrifice in which everything was offered the melted fat collected and he made it into those beasts who live in the air, in the forest, and in the villages.

7: From the sacrifice the verses and chants were born, the rhythmical metres were born.

8: Horses were born from it, and those animals that have two rows of teeth; cows were born from it and also the goats and sheep. 

9: When they dismembered Purusha how many parts did they divide him into? What do they call his mouth, his two arms, his thighs and his feet?

10: His mouth became the Brhman (priests); his arms became Kshatriyas (warriors and kings); his thighs became Vaishya (the workers, traders, and farmers); and from his feet Shudras (servile class), were born. 

11: Moon was bron from his mind; from his eye came the sun, and from his breath the Wind was born. 

12: From his head the sky evolved, from his navel the middle space, from his two feet the earth, and the sky from his ears. Thus the Gods set the world in order. 

13: With the sacrifice the Gods sacrificed to the sacrifice. 

Personaly I think that lines/verser, 9-13 are really beautiful in there metiphorical symbolism. Just think about it. Moon was born from his head; his eyes came the cu, and from his breath teh Wind was born. To me this creation story is the most, how do I say it, everything about it makes sence to me. I can understand why people sould think that this Being/Thing Purusha became everything and created everything. It also tell people why everything is here on earth and were it came form. 

If you want to learn more about Hinduism, you can go to Hinduism Wikipedia. Another really cool creation/soulmate story came be found at Plato Soulmate Wikipedia. I think that the Plato Soulmate creation story is really sweet and in someways a romantic nothion that you are walking the earth in search of your soulmate and when you find your other half, you have this connection, like you have known earth other for years. 

Well thank you for reading and please comment about weather y'all want me to do another post about just why I like the Plato Soulmate creation story. Have a great day! 

Your Faithful Prepster,

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