
The Sunshine Award

I am excited to say that I was nominated by Lauren from A Touch of Southern Grace for the Sunshine Award! I would like to thank Lauren for the nomination! 

Here are the rules: 
1. Include the award logo in your post. 
2. Link to the person who nominated you - A Touch of Southern Grace
3. Answer 10 questions about yourself. 
4. Nominate 10 bloggers to receive the award. Link the nominees in your post and notify them. 

Questions form Lauren: 
1. What inspired you to first start blogging? 
Well i had read blogs like The College Prepster, and Summer Wind for about a year, and i wanted to do something that I love and share with everyone. Well I love to share my opinions, and I love the internet, and I love reading blogs, so blogging was just perfect for me.

2. What's your guilty pleasure? 
Watching the TV show Will & Grace. This weekend finished the entire first season. 

3. What's your favorite book/novel?
My favorite novel would probably have to be To Kill a Mocking Bird by Harper Lee. I had to read it this spring for English and I really enjoyed it. I would have never read it if it weren't for school. 

4. What are three positive words you would use to describe yourself? 
Kind, strong, happy. 

5. If you could live anywhere in the world where would you live? 
If I could live anywhere I would live either in Disney World, or Rome, Italy. I love Disney World and have been their over 15 times. I love Italy and would love to go back to were my great grandparents left to give their children a better life. 

6. What is your current favorite song? 
"Counting Stars" by OneRepublic 

7. What is your favorite thing about the South? 
Do I really have to pick just one thing? Well, the food, the summers, and the charm! 

8. Do you have any pets and if so what are their names? 
I have never in my life owned a pet. Not even a goldfish. My Algebra teacher, Mrs. G says that I am a cat person though. 

9. What is your favorite football team (professional and/or college)? 
Red Skins and West Virginia University. 

10. What is your favorite store to shop at? 
My favorite store to shop at would probably have to be either Ralph Lauren or J.Crew. 

Questions for my nominees: 
1. What was the first blog you ever read? 
2. Favorite thing to do in your free time? 
3. Who is some you look up to or think of as a mentor/role model? 
4. Favorite blog/blogger? 
5. What kind of back pack or purse do you care the most often? 
6. Favorite TV show? 
7. Favorite piece of jewelry you own? 
8. Favorite place to vacation? 
9. What brand/kind of computer/laptop do you have? 
10. What is your favorite book? 

My nominees:
2. Eva from Nothingbutprep
3. Sierra from Stylishly Sierra
5. Greta from Swirling Up
6. Amy Victoria from British Prepster

Thank you for reading! 

Your Faithful Prepster, 

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