
Liebster Blog Award

I was nominated by Sarah over at Simple Classic Prep for the Liebster Blog Award. Thank you so much Sarah!

What each nominee has to do:
1. List 11 random facts about themselves.2. Answer the 11 questions provided by the blogger who nominated them 3. Choose 11 more nominees (who must have 200 followers or less) and ask them 11 questions

The 11 Questions form Sarah:
1. If it's not monogrammed, is it even really yours?

No, well maybe. My tennis racket's aren't monogrammed, but they are still my babies. 

2. How would you describe your personal style?
 Mix between today's modern women and all the great fashionistas of the 1960's like Jackie O. and Audrey Hepburn. 

3. Lipstick or lipgloss?

Lipstick, it enhances my already full lips, and lipgloss makes my lips feel all sticky. 

4. If you could start your own charity what would it support?

If I would start my own charity it would support the research for learning disabilities like ADD. ADHD, and dyslexia. I think that it is important for the kids who aren't as confident and head strong as I am to live as close to a normal life as they can. They shouldn't have to worry about people laughing at them, and it can also be really hard on families as well. 

5. What is your dream job?

To be either a tennis pro or a famous lawyer. 

6. To what other countries have you traveled? What was your favorite and why.

The only other country I have visited has been Costa Rica, but I am going on a school trip in April to Italy and Greece! 

7. What are your favorite magazines?

People. Vanity Fair, and bridal magazines. 

8. What kind of car do you drive? What kind of car do you wish you drove?

Well since I am only 14, I don't get my learners permit until next November 18th, and my license until nine months after I get my learners, so I don't drive a car. But I am wishing for a Subaru. 

9. What sports do you play if any? (cheerleading, horseback riding,and sailing are certainly considered sports!)

Tennis… Yeah, it's sort of my life. I used to swim competitively and I played lacrosse at my school for two years, but not anymore. 

10. Do you have a favorite song? If so, what is it?

I don't really have a all time favorite song. I really like the classical piece Ave Maria by Franz Schubert  but I don't really have just one favorite song, I have many favorite songs. But the song that has been stuck in my head all day long has been A Thousand Miles by Vanessa Carlton.

11. Using your own experiences, define love :)
Ummmm…. I don't think I am qualified to answer that questions since I have never been in love, or even had a boyfriend. 

Here are the 11 questions for my nominees:
1. Pearls or diamonds? Silver or gold? Why? 
2. If you could only live in one place for the rest of your life, where would you live? 
3. Favorite fashion icon? 
4. What is your favorite saying? 
5. Spotify or Pandora? Why? 
6. Where do you see yourself in 5 years? 
7. What are you looking forward to in the next year? 
8. Tory Burch or Kate Spade? Coach or Channel? Why?
9. Flip-flops or heels? Why? 
10. What is or was you favorite subject in school? 
11. Who do you look like most, your mom or your dad? 

And my 11 Nominees are: 

Have a preptastic day! 

Your Faithful Prepster, 

1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much for the nomination! A post will be up soon!



