
Stress . . .

The past two weeks have been supper stressful for me. Last week I could barely sleep and when I did sleep it wasn't a very restful sleep. I didn't eat a lot, I was always had other things on my mind while I was in school. But yesterday the stress finally enveloped me and I had one of my very typical, what I like to call my stress attacks.

These "stress attacks" happens about once or twice a school year. What happens when the stress just becomes to much is that I just brake down into tears and sob. And trust me I am not very attractive when I cry. At the end of last year, I realized something. That I couldn't stress so much about school and my grades because if I did, I would end up having a psychotic break before I could graduate high school. I still have that realization and I was doing really well, it was a miracle that I lasted until November. I think that I just have to come to terms with the fact that I am stressed and not to ignore it.

I am trying to find better ways to deal with my stress. One of my outlets is my tennis. I find that hitting a tennis ball at 50 miles per hours helps me deal with the stress of being a teenager living in a world that if you don't get all A's during high school you wont make it into a good college, and just life in general.

So this is what I am really trying to get to with this post: you can't stress about everything, only stress about the things you can control and about the things you can't. So what are some of your stress relievers? I would love to hear about them in the comments. Have a preptastic day! I promise tomorrow I will have a better post about something fun!

Your Faithful Prepster,

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