
The Signet Ring

The one gift that my parents gave me that I was genuinely surprised by was a signet ring with my monogram on it. Most everything else that I got for Christmas I emailed my Moma about, but not this. I didn't even ask for it. They got my something that I wanted but all at the same time didn't know I wanted it. 

To top it all of, it was the last gift I opened yesterday morning. My family has this order, we open gifts, eat breakfast, and then open our stockings/bags (more about the stocking fiasco later). But this year my Moma wanted to open stockings right after we finished opening gifts. Boy, did I love her for that. 

My signet ring was wrapped in a small box that was all the way at the toe of my stocking. Meaning it would be the last thing I grabbed out of my stocking. My Moma got the idea from her mother, my Nana. Nana used to do the same thing, always leaving a really good present at the bottom of the stockings to that it would be the last thing opened. 

My father even has a signet ring. My Moma gave it to him when they got married. My Daddy has never taken off his wedding or his signet ring in the 22 years that he has had both. But after those 22 years, the ring has become pretty beat up. 

Now to the history portion of this post:
The signet ring can be traced back to the ancient world, where the patriarch of the family would wear the ring of the family. By placing the ring on to a wax tablet it would create a seal. It was like the families signature. The word "signet" has it origins from the Latin word "signum" which means sign (sorry, the Latin Student in me had to show off a little :) ). 

The signet ring is also supper preppy. I was one in the Christmas catalog for Mark and Graham. But mine came from a local jewelry store. In my life I have seen a lot of people with signet rings, but not known that they were signet rings. Some men wear them, like my father, but women's are smaller and harder to recognize as a signet. 

Who else has a signet ring? Who wants a signet ring? Thank you for reading and have a preptastic day! 

Your Faithful Prepster, 

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