
How I Use My Moleskines

I am a decently organized person, if I may say so myself. I have a different bag for everything (one for piano, one for violin, one for tennis, etc.), but I only have a book for blogging. I have recently acquired a Moleskine, that I talked about another post, that I use for blogging.

I like having the good ol' fashion pen and paper because I feel like it is easier for me to have a total brain dumb and just scribble all my ideas down on paper rather then typing them out on the computer. It also helps because I always know were I can put my ideas, my blogging Moleskine. It also helps because sometimes I plan out on Sunday what everyday of the weeks post is going to be. It gives me a place to organize and have an idea list going that I can look back on and have.

Then sometimes I just like to doodle in it….

Who uses the old fashion way to organize their lives? Thank you for reading and have a preptastic day!

Your Faithful Prepster,


  1. love "old fashioned" pen and paper - it does help you know where it is easier - because you are using more of your senses - it also indicates a cross between perfectionist and creative personality based on some organizing studies I've researched - so congrats on your moleskin - enjoy

  2. I finally ordered Le Pens last week, can't wait for them to get here! I will have so much fun with them!

  3. I love Moleskin journals! They are my favorite!

