
The Annual Cleaning of the Desks!!!

I know I said that I was going to do my part two of quotes, but I will so that Monday. So I thought since I will be going back to school on the 26th I would clean of my desk that is in my room. My parents bought me my desk about three or four years ago and I love it! When I cleaned my desk I took everything off of it and actually cleaned it, like with cleaner.

So this was while I was in the process of cleaning everything off my desk. 

This was when everything was off my desk and I say the entire desk for the first time since i got it. 

I cleaned my desk!!! With cleaning product!!! 

So this is all the stuff that came off my desk!! That was off of my desk. 

Voila! Look at that clean desk!! So I will break down the what is on my desk that is essential to doing my best work!!!

So this is the top right corner of my desk. I have a music box that my Moma's friend got me in Italy, my piggy back. My frog prince Lamp, next to that is my Turtle box full of sharpies, and some sticky-notes! 

From right to left. My Shoe Day of the Year Calendar thing (I love the shoes!), my pot of pens, my tape dispenser and my stapler. 

So in the top left quadrant of my desk we have my jewelry tree, and my jewelry box. Both I got for Christmas two years ago! 

So in the Middle we have, (from right to left) my remote for my iHome/alarm clock, my iPhone, my MacBook Pro, and my Lilly Agenda! 

We also have my drawer-o-stuff!!! We have some tape, extra staples, rubber-bands, scissors, post-it notes big and small, white out and USB's, and off course some Baby Lips!!

Thank you for reading and the Part two of my favorite quotes will be up Monday!

Your Faithful Prepster,

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