
New Mac Software and It's Frustrating Download

So the reason I didn't post yesterday was because I was trying to download OS X Mountain Lion on my Mac. I bought my 15" MacBook Pro in late 2011, so it is almost two years old. I thought i twas about time I updated the Software, since I am starting off a new school year and all.

The software was $19.99 on the App Store, which is better then having to by another $1,000 + computer. I love my Mac and I highly recommend Apple Products, but the one thing is once you go Mac, you can't go back!!!

So I started the download at around 2:00 pm yesterday afternoon. I closed my computer, I didn't shut it down, I just closed it, because you can do that with Mac's. I opened my laptop this morning at around 9:45 or 10:00 and it just finished downloading and installing at 2:00. 

So this is to anyone who is looking or pondering downloading OS X Mountain Lion, get i, but you have to be patience while downloading it. To everyone else who is looking at buying a new laptop and don't want to get a mac because they are to expensive, my Moma got a new laptop two or three weeks ago, she got a Dell 15" Inspiron, it had Windows 8 and she loves it! 

I have only had this software for like an hour so I don't know everything about it yet, but I know Apple, so I know I will like it. 

I have no clue what kind of blog post I am going to do tomorrow, but I will do something!! Thank you for reading and have a great day! 

Your Faithful Prepster.

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