
My New iPhone!!!

I have had my iPhone 4 since July of 2011. Unfortunately, in August of 2012 i dropped my iPhone 4 and cracked my screen. It was one single crack that, thank heavens, never expanded or got worse. Now  2 1/2 years later I have a new phone. The iPhone 5s in Gold. 

I loved my iPhone 4 so I knew I wanted an iPhone 5s. My Daddy tried to take my to the phone store on Christmas Eve, but I told him to turn around because I didn't know what kind of iPhone I wanted. I also had to more or less think through something that I look at and use everyday of my life. It is a big thing, and a big commitment when buying a phone. The day after Christmas my Daddy and I went back to the phone store looking to upgrade. My Daddy has had his phone for almost 3 years, so it was time for him to get and upgrade too. He got the iPhone 5s in Silver after consulting me, his fashion guru. Both of us got the 64GB because I have that much music and he has that many pictures. He got his phone in-store because of some complication with his phone actually being to old, and I had to wait for them to ship it to me. And it finaly came in the mail on Monday!!!! 

After a few hours of procrastinating on doing my homeward on the first day back from Holiday Break I had set up and restored my new iPhone with my old iPhones settings. I am still trying to get use to the feel and the layout of the screen, but I still love it! I am most definitely a Apple Girl at hart. I also have two cases that I got for Christmas that I just LOVE!! 

Thank you for reading and have a preptastic day! 

Your Faithful Prepster, 


  1. Cool leopard print case! I'm sure you'll be working that new phone. It's going to look so chic on you! Just don't forget to take care of it though. Kudos to your awesome dad, by the way! Stay beautiful!

    Mary Hagopian @ TelCo World

  2. How sweet is it that you and your dad now have matching phones? Hahaha! I hope you're both enjoying your iPhones and their amazing features. The Leopard case looks amazing, by the way! You really do have an amazing sense of style. Thanks for sharing that! All the best to you! :)

    Allen Fernandez @ 1300 Numbers
